Similar to another post in this forum, I am also not getting the events.
I am using this as template under ultraweblistbar and I've added node clicked and node selected events in code behind. But I am not getting any events.
I tried client side events and it is working.
I am using V7,3. Wondering if this is a know bug and fixed in later releaser.
and here is the html code
<ignav:UltraWebTree ID="tagsWebTree" runat="server" Cursor="Default" ForeColor="Black"
Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Verdana" BorderColor="Pink" BorderStyle="None" Height="100%"
Width="100%" Indentation="20" WebTreeTarget="ClassicTree" LoadOnDemand="ManualSmartCallbacks"CompactRendering="False" EnableViewState="False" SingleBranchExpand="True" OnNodeClicked="tagsWebTree_NodeClicked"
<SelectedNodeStyle Cursor="Hand" CssClass="SelectClass"></SelectedNodeStyle>
<HoverNodeStyle Cursor="Hand" CssClass="Hover"></HoverNodeStyle>
<NodePaddings Left="5px"></NodePaddings>
<Padding Bottom="2px" Left="2px" Top="2px" Right="2px"></Padding>
<ClientSideEvents AfterNodeSelectionChange="tagsWebTree_AfterNodeSelectionChange" />
<ignav:Level Index="0"></ignav:Level>
<ignav:Level Index="1"></ignav:Level>
<NodeMargins Top="2px"></NodeMargins>
<ignav:Style Cursor="Hand" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="OldLace" CssClass="HiliteClass">
<ignav:Style BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="DarkGray" BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor="Gainsboro"
<ignav:Style ForeColor="White" BackColor="#333333" CssClass="SelectClass">
I am not 100% sure if this is a bug or by design - maybe it is expected NodeClick and NodeSelectionChanged to be mutually exclusive? Still, our great community has contributed this superb thread on workarounds and suggestions how this can be addressed:
Hope this helps.