I anticipate that I have over looked the obvious, but this one has me stumped. The scenario is this:
Any Help Greatly Appreciated.
That makes sense. Perhaps it'd be worth a couple of sections in the doco on "choosing a grid control" and "WARP vs UpdatePanel". I see someone else has just posted a question on this.
Thanks again.
PV87669 said:Oddly enough, I didn't have this problem with UltraWebDataGrids, but do with WebDataGrid, and it has completely different configuration for styling (and almost everything).
If you're using WebDataGrid, I have two pieces of advice.
First, you'll have an easier time styling WebDataGrid using our Application Styling Framework. This control was built from the ground up with application styling in mind.
Second, replace WARP with UpdatePanel if you're placing a WebDataGrid inside. WebDataGrid uses Microsoft's ASP.NET AJAX Extensions, while WARP uses our CallbackManager; these two different AJAX architectures cannot be used one-inside-the-other.
I'm getting the hang of various postbacks and async behaviors, but still not getting very far with styling.
The HOWTO linked above describes styling an UltraWebDataGrid via CSS, as does the sample code attached to that page. Oddly enough, I didn't have this problem with UltraWebDataGrids, but do with WebDataGrid, and it has completely different configuration for styling (and almost everything).
The CssClass attribute presents a dropdown list of visible styles in Design view. Setting to a custom-defined style is accepted but doesn't seem to achieve much. Setting to one of the ig_ or igg_ styles listed is permitted but then generates a warning in the error list.
Maybe I need to take it back out of the WARP and find another way to refresh grid data without refreshing the whole page.
PV87669 said:there any way to trigger a grid to refresh/requery from client-side scripting? Clicking on a column heading to sort it does the trick, but I want to do it from a separate control.
PV87669 said:Can you give a bit more of a hint on where to look, or how to style the grid without relying on anything that's delivered in the <head>? Does it take a lot of CSS or can it still be just a single reference for the control?
The following article from our online help documentation provides an example of styling WebGrid using CSS:HOWTO: Style the grid using Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) classes
If you're writing your own CSS, you'll need to write a separate CSS class for each distinct entity you want to style. These can all be stored in a single .css file, which provides a "single reference for the control" once it's finished.
Thanks for the comments Vince.
a) I think my issue could be "the same" if I could figure out how to achieve the effect without use of an UpdatePanel, WARP, or full postback. Is there any way to trigger a grid to refresh/requery from client-side scripting? Clicking on a column heading to sort it does the trick, but I want to do it from a separate control.
b) Re: using a WARP, I searched the forum for a while. The first thing I found was other people asking the same thing, and just being told "use CSS". I also found "there are 4 ways to [use app styling]" and similar, none of which solved the problem. Can you give a bit more of a hint on where to look, or how to style the grid without relying on anything that's delivered in the <head>? Does it take a lot of CSS or can it still be just a single reference for the control?