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I am using the UltraWebMenu to provide navigation on every page on our site.  We are currently experiencing horrible performance since adding this control(CPU just gets maxed out under heavy usage).  Although I am not positive that it is Infragistics causing the issue (we are removing the Infragistics control today), it is the strongest suspect at this time.

 I have not found any documented performance issues with the UltraWebMenu, so I am wondering if I may be doing something wrong.   Is there any configuration or anything I may need to change for production?  Or is it possible that I configured something poorly in the ig_common directory in IIS? 

 We are using 'NetAdvantage for .NET 2007 Volume 1 CLR 2.0'.  We are adding nodes behind the scene programatically.  Here is an example of our control:

        <ignav:UltraWebMenu ID="UltraWebMenu1" runat="server" WebMenuStyle="XPClient" CompactRendering="true" TopItemSpacing="Compact"
      WebMenuTarget="VerticalMenu" BackColor="white" BorderStyle="None">
     <ParentItemStyle BackColor="white" />
     <ItemStyle Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="6px" BackColor="#E8E3DF" CssClass ="" />
     <HoverItemStyle Font-Names="Taoma" Font-Size="6px" BackColor="#BFB1A5" />
     <ExpandEffects Type="Slide" />
          <ignav:Style BackColor="#BFB1A5" BorderWidth="0px" BorderColor="black">
              <BorderDetails WidthBottom="0px" WidthLeft="0px" WidthTop="1px" WidthRight="0px" />
          <ignav:Item Text="DESC 0" AccessKey="" imageUrl="/images/openfavorites.gif" TargetUrl="/MyURL" >
                  <ignav:Item Text="DESC 1" AccessKey="" TargetUrl="/MyURL"></ignav:Item>
                  <ignav:Item Text="DESC 2" AccessKey="" TargetUrl="/MyURL"></ignav:Item>
                  <ignav:Item Text="DESC 3" AccessKey="" TargetUrl="/MyURLx"></ignav:Item>
                  <ignav:Item Text="DESC 4" AccessKey="" TargetUrl="/MyURLx"></ignav:Item>

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    I have some similar symptoms while using 2007 Volume 3. Performance has been affected somewhat but worse yet we are seeing some very strange behavior with regard to how our ultrawebgrids are interacting with the menu on our production server (but not on any of our test/qa servers). The menu's exist on a master page and our ultrawebgrids have been placed on the content panel for the implemented page.

    It seems that the AfterRowActivateHandler is either not getting fired at times or the code it is running is failing silently when a row is clicked on the ultrawebmenu.

    If I remove the ultrawebmenu from the master page, the problem goes away.

    The most disturbing thing is that this failure is highly erratic when the ultrawebmenu is introduced. Suspicions have gone everywhere from the menu adding to much of a payload to each request, latency from clients located long distances from our server, the client side code being faulty, browser settings, browser version...etc

    I seriously need some help fixing this!






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