I am having a problem with the webgrid (no ajax enabled) inside a standard (ajax) updatepanel.
the ultrawebgrid (filled using a datatable) shows to the user the customers A, B,C
After the user clicks on a button "Delete" (inside the updatepanel), I delete the customer A from the db and I force the ultrawebgrid's reload (getting again a datatable from the db and binding it again to the webgrid) so the grid should now show only the customers B and C, but it does not....It still shows customer A, B and C.
After the delete, the datatable has all the correct info, it means it contains only customer B and C.....so it is not a datatable problem.....
I tried using a webgrid column type "Button".....but I have the same problem....
Same problem If I use a WARP panel instead of a standard updatepanel
Also if I use a Webdialog inside the update panel....it does not show up clicking the button "delete"
If I remove the update panel...all works perfectly...but it is very slow......
Any help is kindly appreciated.....
Did you set the grid itself as an async trigger on the updatepanel its in?
Did you solve the problem?
I'm facing almost the same issue with no solution so far...
Thanks in advanced
Since this works correctly without an UpdatePanel (or WARP) involved, there's something not working correctly. We'll need more information to determine whether this is a bug or if it's a problem with the approach you're using, and to resolve the issue in either case.
Please submit a support request so that a Developer Support Engineer can assist you further. If possible, please include a sample prject that we can run and debug that reproduces this behavior, so that we know we're testing the same code that you are.