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problem with tab control

Hi friends,

I have tab controls on my page, i.e i have master page inside i have content page in that i have some tab controls.

My problem is, on click of button(which is in master page),i want to get the controls ID from tab control through javascript. i used like this,

var childs = document.getElementById("tabControl0").childNodes; - it has child control but i am not able to get those child controls.

Can any body please tell me how to get these controls in javacsript.




  • 28464

    Hello Sharan,

    Since the tab control is in the content page, you have not reference to it from the master page. The solution would be to move the javascript for the tabcontrol inside the content page (this is locagical, since code and the controls it servers should be in one place).

    If you still do need to access the tabstrip from the master page, then you can first get the tab control in a global variable from the content page, e.g.

    <script language="javascript">

    var globalTabStrip = igtab_getTabById("<%= UltraWebTab1.ClientID %>");


    Later, in the Master Page, you can use the globalTabStrip varaible. Also please note the special syntax I am using while dealing with tabs, it can be seen documented here: