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Binding FormView with WebDateTimeEdit

How do you use the WebDateTimeEdit control with the standard FormView control?

Here's an abbreviated version which will not update correctly as the time shown is always the current time... not the DB time.

        ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ID"
        DataSourceID="UserDataSource" DataMember="DefaultView">

<%-- removed code for clarity --%>

           <igtxt:WebDateTimeEdit ID="WebDateTimeEdit1" runat="server"
                Value='<%# Bind("QuietStart") %>' EditModeFormat="t" DisplayModeFormat="t">

           <asp:TextBox ID="PagerTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Pager") %>' />


<%-- removed code for clarity --%>

  • 462
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    I figured it out.... Make sure you bind to Value instead of Text and make sure your datasouce is up to date. My SQLdatasource was missing some columns thus they never were gettting updated.