I am intermittently getting this error from the grid and would like to know if anyone knows what might be causing this. I'm using the latest release of the UltraWebGrid version 8.3.20083.1009.
msxml3.dll: The stylesheet does not contain a document element. The stylesheet may be empty, or it may not be a well-formed XML document.function igtbl_XSLTProcessor(xsltURL){ if(!xsltURL) return null; if(ig_csom.IsIE) { var xslt=ig_createActiveXFromProgIDs(["MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument","Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM"]); xslt.async=false; xslt.load(xsltURL); var xslTemplate=new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XSLTemplate"); xslTemplate.stylesheet=xslt; // ERROR Occurs Here. this.Processor=xslTemplate.createProcessor(); } else { var xmlResp=new DOMParser(); var xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.open("GET",xsltURL,false); xmlHttp.send(null); this.Processor=new XSLTProcessor(); this.Processor.importStylesheet(xmlResp.parseFromString(xmlHttp.responseText,"text/xml")); }}
I believe that I can't get to the hotfixes you refer to as I am using an evaluation. I have been trying to make an evalution work because I am seriously considering purchasing the asp.net package. I continue to have strange javascript problems. I am now using the web.config file to direct the controls to get their javascript from a directory in my source. I copied the CLR 3.5 javascript directory over because there was an update to the ig_WebGrid.js in this thead;http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/18367/66804.aspx#66804.
It seems as if I use the local javascript directory I get different errors then if I use the default javascript files. One way or another it's not working.
FYI, there is a hotfix to download that may help. The current version number should be: 8.3.20083.2021
I personally have not seen something like that. I also searched the forums/bug reports for additional info - again, no luck. I believe in cases like this it is best to contact Developer Support directly - they can be reached via the following link: