I'm using NetAdvantage 2008 Vol. 2 with .NET Framwork 3.5 and would like to set some formation on that WebCombo for the Pager ( ...Pager.StyleMode = PagerStyleMode.ComboBox), i.e. set the font, cursor and so on for the combo.
How can I do that? Which properties can I use? How can I refer to that combo?
Thanks in advance
The problem in this case is that when using Pager.StyleMode = PagerStyleMode.ComboBox, it renders the built in <select> element (and not ComboBox from our ASP.NET suite). In essense, the HTML will look like this:
<td id="UltraWebGrid1_pager" class="ig_49f5d809_r0 ig_49f5d809_r16" align="right" onclick="igtbl_onPagerClick('UltraWebGrid1',event)" style="height: 1%; white-space: normal;"> <select onchange="BLOCKED SCRIPTigtbl_pageGrid(event,'UltraWebGrid1',(this.selectedIndex+1).toString())"> <option>1</option> <option selected="">2</option </select></td>
The only way to style the <select> is by using javascript to get the <select> element, with something like this:
var pagerSelect = document.getElementById("UltraWebGrid1_pager").getElementsByTagName("SELECT")[0];
Styling the dropdown itself is very difficult as well, some things are just impossible - but you can go through the following article for info how this can be done:
If you want to get better control of the pager, the only way is to use PagerTemplate and customize everything yourself (but this will require additional coding)