I have a WebCombo in UserControl (edit form) that is displayed in a Modal WebDialogWindow, When I click to view the combo dropdown list, the list appears outside (behind) the modal dialog window.
How is it that the list becomes detached from it's parent control.
Any imput on the afore mentioned issues??
Thank you for the response. I thought I had looked at all the related threads. Not sure how I missed that one. Anyway, I applied the fix and it appears to work, but its not 100%.
If the modal dialog window is Movable, the dropdown list (if visible) does not track with its parent combo when the dialog window is being moved.
The combo dropdown list will automatically appear if the user clicks into the control, and then disappear if the user clicks on another input control in the dialog display. However, it does not detect loosing focus to the parent Dialog Window. So, if the user clicks into the combo control (which displays the dropdown list), and then clicks on the dialog window header to drag the window, the dropdown list remains at its original position.
Also, if the dropdown list, if visible, becomes part of the tab order. If the user presses the Tab key, the focus will move through the list items. Tabbing off the last list item will put the focus onto some other control, but will not cause the Dropdown list to disappear. Again, loss of focus is not detected.
Well, that is the behavior that i am experiencing at the moment.
Yes, I have seen this problem reported before and actually there is a solution (although quite tricky) - please, check out the conversation in the following forum thread:
WebDialog and WebCombo not working
You may also contact developer support directly and ask if this is something that is addressed in the latest hotfixes. Developer Support can be reached via the following link: