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Loading WebGrid on client- or server-side?
Is there any comprehensive tutorial, demo, example or walktrough on how to populate WebGrid from client-side? I want to load rows to a non-hierarchial WebGrid by calling a webservice, retrieving data from that service, putting that data in rows and adding the rows to the WebGrid (note: not LoadOnDemand when a row is expanded in a hierarchical grid). Which is the best way for doing that? Any suggestions? On the other hand, is there any way to populate a WebGrid like LoadOnDemand = Manual and getting DemandLoad event fired, not from a click on expand image or so but from a click on a button outside the WebGrid? What I wonder is if I can populate a WebGrid on server-side as a respons to a client-side event (click on a button, not expand row) without a PostBack and reloading the whole page? Thanks for answering in advance and best regards


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  • 28464

    Hello Juno,

    Yes, this might be possible. You can start with an empty grid and then employ some of the methods in the CSOM documented here to fetch data.

    I believe the invokeXmlHttpRequest method in particular is what you might need to invoke async AJAX updates to the grid.

    You can see the documentation online and search for invokeXmlHttpRequest in the forums for sample implementations.



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