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Client side total field

Hi.  I'm using the WebCurrencyEdit control to input several dollar amounts.  I want to include a total field on the screen that should be updated on the client side as the user changes any of the other values.  I've added an additional WebCurrencyEdit marked as read-only and initially load the total from the server.  I'm having trouble writting the Javascript to update the total as values are changed.

I'm trying a line in my javascript function such as:

document.form1.TotalAmount.value = parseFloat(document.form1.AmountA.value) + parseFloat(document.form1.AmountB.value);

Any help would be appreciated.

  • 45049

    You'll want to use functions from our client-side object model (CSOM) rather than looking at properties on our HTML elements.

    I assume that TotalAmount, AmountA, and AmountB are the IDs of three WebCurrencyEdit objects on your page.  Below is the corresponding JavaScript to waht you'd originally written:

    // Get a reference to all three WebCurrencyEdit controls
    var wceTotalAmt = igedit_getById("<% =TotalAmount.ClientID %>");
    var wceAmtA = igedit_getById("<% =AmountA.ClientID %>");
    var wceAmtB = igedit_getById("<% =AmountB.ClientID %>");

    // Get the value of the two user-editable WebCurrencyEdit controls
    // I don't believe you need to use parseFloat here, but you'll want to verify
    var amtA = wceAmtA.getValue();
    var amtB = wceAmtB.getValue();

    // Set the total to the TotalAmount editor
    wceTotAmt.setValue(amtA + amtB);