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WebCombos display issue inside a WebTab

I have a webtab with 2 tabs.  Each tab have targetURLs that point to separate aspx pages.  Both tabs contain textboxes, webcombos, and buttons.

The default  selected tab is the first tab.  When the webtab is initially loaded, the first tab loads fine and all the controls look perfect.  However, when I click on the second tab, the controls show up, but the dropdown button of all my webcombos is offset from the combobox and do not display completely.  I can click on the dropdown and it works but the webcombo is rendering incorrectly.  This occrs when I have LoadAllTargetUrls="True".  When I change  LoadAllTargetUrls="False", the display issue goes away, but it has to reload the tabs everytime I click to a different tab then back - it doesn't save the state.

 Does anyone know why the webcombo is displaying incorrectly when LoadAllTargetUrls="True"?  It looks like if it's not the default selected tab then the webcombos don't render right.

 I'd attach a screenshot of what I'm seeing if I knew how.

