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webResource.axd. Javascript error at the moment of selecting an item.


   I am working with webcombo and I am getting javascript errors. I have added the webcombobox inside a webpanel and this is inside a webAsynRefreshPanel. I have defined the property "comboTypeAhead" as "Suggest" and hence this demand to set the property "EnableXmlHTTP" to True.

  The first time the page is populated the webcombo does not triger any error, but when I select an item, it submit the  webAsynRefreshPanel and  at the same time trigers the event handler shown below to repopulate the web combo again * . After doing that, the page is showing an error message and I cannot use the scroll bar of the comboboxGrid any more because of the javascript error. I decide to enable the script debugger and the error is trigered in something called webResource.axd with a lot of javascript functions. The javascript error message is : Microsoft JScript runtime error: object doen't support this property or method.

  The line where is stoping the debuger in the webResource.axd show the following sentence: this.Node=this.Xml.selectSingleNode("UltraWebGrid/UltraGridLayout");

 According microsoft, the webResource.axd is designed to retrieve assembly resources and serve them to the Web browser. ( Please see

 Please help me, i am almost finishing the page and my client want to see a prototype of this functionality. I have been checking the javascript code that is autogenerated by infragistic and everything looks fine so i do not know what else to do. Could be webResource.axd??? if so, how could I fix this situation? 

  I am popualting the webcombo defining the handler as:

this.wcSkillSearch.InitializeDataSource += new Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.InitializeDataSourceEventHandler(this.wcSkillSearch_InitializeDataSource);

  And the add the following logic to this handle or event:

    protected void wcSkillSearch_InitializeDataSource(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.WebComboEventArgs e)


        DataSet skillDs = this.bmsWebService.getSkillTypeDs(ref aMessage);
        skillDs = convertWcSkillSearch(skillDs);
        this.wcSkillSearch.DataSource = skillDs;
        this.wcSkillSearch.DataMember = skillDs.Tables[0].TableName;
        this.wcSkillSearch.DataTextField = "Name";
        this.wcSkillSearch.DataValueField = "SKILL_TYPE_ID";
        this.wcSkillSearch.Columns[1].Header.Column.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage);
        this.wcSkillSearch.Columns[0].Hidden = true;
        this.wcSkillSearch.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage);
        Session["wsBmsSession"] = bmsWebService.CookieContainer;
