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UltraWebGrid with multiple RowEditTemplates


I'm trying to display a mostly read-only grid to a user.  In the typical case, only 1 field is editable.  It happens to be a comment field, and I don't want to deal with resizing / scrolling when a comment gets large, so after seeing the rowedittemplate in action, I decided I liked the way it worked and am using it.

In a few select cases, I also would like the ability to allow the user to add a new row, and again I think the rowedittemplate would be a great tool to achieve this, however I need to display substantially more information for this request.

In my current implementation, I have a column on the grid that is configured as a button, and a client side handler for that button that tells the grid to take that row and open it for edit mode.  I also would plan to have a separate button on a toolbar to add a new row, so I have two solid points for javascript code to perform manipulation from.

Is possible to load 2 templates to the page on load and, depending on the action fired, open one or the other?  Can I change the "template" used on the client side via javascript?  Should I try subscribing to the AddRow event, on the server-side change the template, and add some javascript that says when the postback completes, pop into edit mode immediately and on template close, force an update to reset the template?  Is there somekind of "AddNewItem" template that I don't know about?

Any ideas? 



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