I am setting the following property on the initialize_row event:
e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Edit").Text = "<a href='BLOCKED SCRIPTopenTemplate();'>edit</a> - <a href='BLOCKED SCRIPTPromptDelete();'>remove</a>"
I am trying to do the same thing on the client side when the user clicks the Add New Box and a new row is inserted into the grid.
The problem is that the .Text property on the client is not rendered as HTML.
What am I missing or is this possible?
Hey Ivan,
This was answered by Duc Nguyen. I am actually testing on IE6. Even though I am getting strange results with it setting the text equal to non-rendered HTML on the server.... I am setting the innerHTML property in the UltraWebGrid1_AfterRowUpdateHandler event on the client to override this. It's a kludge but it works.
~ R
I am trying to reproduce the issue, unfortunately to no avail. Please take a look at the picture below. I use VS2008 SP1 NetAdvantage 8.3 with Firefox 3, IE7 and Chrome.What am I missing?
On the client, use the cell element's inner html if you want to set it to a link:
grid.Rows.getRow(0).getCell(2).getElement().innerHTML = "<NOBR><A href='#'>link</A></NOBR>"