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WebGrid grouping


I have a webgrid that shows some rows and when you clik a row it

opens a new windows and displays some stuff.

When i group the grid with a column i want when you click the grouping row to open

a window with some parameters from the grouping row but i can't find a way to do this.

Thanks in advance

  • 3732


    I assume you are using javaScript for this purpose. Then, the clientside events of the WebGrid can be handled. For example, here is a code snippet of AfterRowActivateHandler:

    function ultraWebGrid1_AfterRowActivateHandler(gridName, rowId)



      var row = igtbl_getRowById(rowId);


       if(row.GroupByRow) //is true if the grouping is done


         var VisibleChildRowCount = row.VisChildRowsCount;

    "">","test","status=1", "toolbar=1");

       //['' + row.VisChildRowsCount]);




    Here I'm accessing the Visible Child Rows count for the grouped row.

    I hope this helps.


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