I have a requirement, where i would like to have the Webtree in one of the panes and after clicking the node in the tree, the second pane should be refreshed with the contents according to the selection that was made. Lets say Employye ID is clicked in the Node and on the right pane all the employee details shoudl be displayed.
Now only the right pane shoudl be refreshed, which means the left pane with the tree should keep its state i.e employee ID selected shoudl only be refreshed.
Can you please let me the best approach to accomplish this?
Let me work on a sample for you.
HI ,
I created a case for your in our CHS system. I have already sent you a sample application.
hey thanks a ton man.
I just downloaded it and trying
will get back for in case of any issue.
I have to make this scenario as a user control as this functionality is globally used. where My tree would be in the left panel and right panel will populate the data based on the selection of the node form the left side. Now the right panel would have to render the controls at run time based on the selection
What is the best approach? We would be using the loadondemand feature here as the XML file or the dataset we are going to use is gona have bulk data which in this case makes no sense to load at one shot. so in this case what i saw is that if i switch on the loadondemand to manualcallbacks, then tree does not store the state and i read in infragistic site that we would have to take care of maintaing the state. So can you please guide me to some article which describes this manual state management of tree in case of loadondemand.
I want exact interface as you guys have in "NetAdvantage .Net online help" http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/NET/2008.3/CLR3.5/
Where clicking on the node displayes the data on the right side and tree maintains its state.
rajan, they're using frames on that page :(
I'm lookig for the same thing as you but without frames and the only way to do that from what I can find is using ifame or ajax and load the content into a palceholder.