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Adding nodes to a tree and binding at same time?

Can you add nodes programatically to a tree as well as bind other levels at the same time?  For example, the first level is a straightforward query that can be bound to the tree, but the second level has to be calculated based on first level nodes, and an intermediate dataset, so there is 2 relationships in between the first and second level nodes of the tree, and the third and fourth levels have only one relationship in between them both.




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  • 1923

    I've used this concept many times for both the WebMenu and the WebTree...

    I have a single dataset where each row is a menu item or node item...the dataset has a Parent_ID field which has the ID of the parent...the topmost (root) node/items have a parent_id of NULL...

    Then, to create the structure, simply iterate through the dataset...hopefully the following code makes sense...

    1. Create a variable at the top of the class...something like this: (i have a strongly typed dataset called dsMenu with a MENU table in it). E.g:

    Private _dsMenu As dsMenu


    2. Add this code to the Page_Load event to begin adding the items to the control

    ' retrieve the data to build the menu
    _dsMenu = ...fill your dataset however you want...

    ' get all the top level nodes by selecting where parent_id is null...e.g. no parents!
    Dim drTopLevel() As dsMenu.MENURow = _dsMenu.MENU.Select("PARENT_ID IS NULL", "SORT_ORDER ASC")

    ' Call the MenuItemAddLoop function to add all the top level nodes...


    3.  Use this function to loop through a collection of rows...

        Private Sub MenuItemAddLoop(ByVal Children() As dsMenu.MENURow)
            For Each Row As dsMenu.MENURow In Children
                ' Add the row to the tree

                ' find children of the current row...
                ' this is where the parent_id is the
                ' row's id...
                Dim Search As String = String.Format("PARENT_ID = {0}", Row.ID)
                Dim childNodes() As dsMenu.MENURow = _dsMenu.MENU.Select(Search, "SORT_ORDER ASC")
                ' if this menu item has children, run the loop
                ' for this item as well!
                If childNodes.Length > 0 Then MenuItemAddLoop(childNodes)
        End Sub


    4. Use this function to add the new node to the control...this is just a single place to set up each menu item/node...the dataset row has all the data needed for each menu item...

        Protected Sub MenuItemAdd(ByVal drMenuItem As dsMenu.MENURow)
            Dim lastNode As Item = Nothing
            Dim parentNode As Item = Nothing

            ' create a new menu item
            lastNode = New Item()

            ' set the text for the node
            lastNode.Text = drMenuItem.DESCRIPTION

            ' set the nodes tag. the tag must be
            ' unique. it is the PK of the table
            ' and this will make finding
            ' other nodes very easy!
            lastNode.DataKey = drMenuItem.ID
            lastNode.Tag = drMenuItem.ID

            ' check whether this is a root level menu item
            If drMenuItem.IsPARENT_IDNull Then
                ' nodes parent is null...add it directly
                ' to the tree so as to be a root level
                ' node...

                ' node has a parent. find the parent
                ' in the tree using the PK/tag and
                ' then add it to the parents nodes
                ' collection (its children)
                parentNode = uwm_main.Find(drMenuItem.PARENT_ID)

            End If

        End Sub


    i can explain more if necessary!

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