I have an editable UltraWebGrid which has a field that has to be populated from a dropdown list, another field of type Date and text filed which should allow for entering a long texts. I am using a cell editors (WebCombo and WebDateChooser) for the first two fields but I am unable to use <textarea> like control for the third one. ENtering long text in a regulat textbox is not very conviniet. Is there a control that I can use to provide the user with multi line textbox for entering the information?
As alternative I can use Row Template but I am not sure how to use the WebCombo and WebDateChooser on a rowtemplate. ARe there any good examples out there ?
I found the aswer here:
HOWTO:Placing complex controls into the RowEditTemplatehttp://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=5206