Hey guys,
I have an UltraWebGrid that has the property LoadOnDemand set to Xml and AllowPaging set to true with a page size of 100. The grid is supposed to display 450 rows.
When the page loads I can see it has 5 pages, which makes sense, but when I scroll the bar down it will display only 50 rows, it won't fetch any more rows, which means that there are some rows that are not being displayed. For example at the end of the page 4 I have records that start witht the letter "S", and on the next page the first record starts with "W", so records with the letter "T" are not being displayed (yes the list is sorted) I tried changing XmlLoadOnDemandType to Synchronous with no luck.
Is it that LoadOnDemand set to Xml is does not work when AllowPaging is set to true??
<igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="UltraWebGrid1" runat="server"
AllowColSizingDefault="Free" AllowColumnMovingDefault="OnServer" AllowDeleteDefault="Yes" AllowUpdateDefault="Yes" AllowSortingDefault="Yes"
Browser="Xml" DisplayLayout-Pager-AllowPaging="true" DisplayLayout-Pager-PageSize="100" DisplayLayout-XmlLoadOnDemandType="Virtual" DisplayLayout-LoadOnDemand="Xml" >
<FilterOptionsDefault AllowRowFiltering="OnServer" FilterUIType="FilterRow" FilterComparisonType="CaseInsensitive" RowFilterMode="AllRowsInBand" >
Thanks !
mehayes said:If you set it to your page size 100 is should work
It actually does, I came up with this work around shortly after I posted this question. However, I noticed the load on demand feature is not longer used, since all the rows per page (100 ) are requested when the page loads. This doesn't make sense to me.
Thanks for your post
There is a default on rows fetched in XML rendering set to 50.
If you set it to your page size 100 is should work
myGrid.DisplayLayout.RowsRange = 100;
first of all thanks for your help
when I do:
UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.EnableInternalRowsManagement =true;
Paging does not work anymore, any thoughts?
Hi !!
Load on demand type : virtual is incompatible with Xml Paging.
If it is not working with type :synchronous then
Try Changing the value of EnableInternalRowsManagerment