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WebTab, WebMenu, and WebGrid Event Propagation

We have a WebMenu at the top of our page that is used to select a specific statement period (previous year, current YTD).

Below the WebMenu we have 7 WebTabs where each one displays a different section of our statement.

Within each WebTab we have one or more WebGrids that displays data based on the selected statement period.

I think we have two choices in terms of managing the statement period updates and event propagation:

1.  When the WebMenu statement period changes, broadcast update events to each WebTab/WebGrid.

2.  When a WebTab is selected or gains focus, read the statement period value and update the WebGrid.

Can you offer suggestions on the best approach?  How should we implement this capability?  Stan.


  • 1765
    Verified Answer

    Hello Stan, Inorder to achieve this requirement please follow below steps (as mentioned, it's ig:dropdownlist instead WebMenu).

    1) Implement dynamic WebGrid inside the WebTab.

    2) In ig:dropdownlist, please apply smartrefresh attribute to refresh WebTabs and reload all the WebGrids in the WebTabs.

    3) The standard way to reload the grid is by databind i.e. grid.databind() in the backing bean method.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you!