On my current project I need to replace der ASP.NET Gridviews with the Ultrawebgrids. On one page I display initially 1000 rows, so I use AJAX to speed up the page handling.
My problem is that no matter which options (Browser, data type etc.) I set on the Webgrid or the data source, when I use load on demand only the first 50 rows are displayed. When I use the "Background" loading behavior, the grid shows the "Loading" symbol constantly; with "Virtual" the symbol appears briefly when I scroll past the first rows, but there are no new rows added in the view.
I'm using the DataSourceID of the grid to assign the data. Paging is not an option.
Can you please help me?
I think I am able to fix the issue.
Change your code in following way:
(1) Rename all uwg_HistStör to uwg (Important)
(2) Remove attribute DataSourceID="stoer_rpc_db"
(3) Modify your InitializeDataSource event handler in following way
protected void uwg_InitializeDataSource(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridEventArgs e)
uwg.DataSource = stoer_rpc_db.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
I don’t know why the control name with the non English characters (like ö ) doesn’t work. If my comment works for you then we need assistance from Infragistics people to get perfect clarification on grid naming.
Please let me know is this fix working?
I have executed the script, inserted 1000 records and now I am able to reproduce the problem.
I am looking inot it.
I've created the Access database, but it is still too big for an upload (1,6 MB zipped).
As I have already written in one of my earlier posts:
M_O_W said: I looked deeper into the sever side events and discovered that the event InitializeDataSource also isn't fired, but InitializeLayout and the Doubleclick handler is.
I looked deeper into the sever side events and discovered that the event InitializeDataSource also isn't fired, but InitializeLayout and the Doubleclick handler is.
So BindData() isn't called when used in in the _InitializeDataSource Event of the Webgrid.
Could you quickly try calling BindData(); inside _InitializeDataSource?