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Need to check checkbox in ultragrid cell column


 I am adding a check box as a cell template in Ultragrid.


Here my Question is that , I need to checka checkbox when there is no value in one of my cells on the same row. 

ex : If i have no value in  " to date" filed then i need to check the check box else checked should be false.

 if (grdOwner.Rows.Count > 0)


   foreach (UltraGridRow row in grdOwner.Rows)


 if (row.Cells[7].Text == null)// T0 date cell value else


        row.Cells[0].Value = true; // trying to check the check box












row.Cells[0].Value = false;







i have the above code snippet. But if there is a value in to date field , then also its showing me unchecked.

Its remaing same, But its not checked at all.

Please help me on the same... Its urgent.