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Ultrawebgrid Frame cuts off grid


I am using ulrtrawebgrid with standard configuration. I am using OutlookGroupBy with multiple groupings, so often the grid is pushed to the right, and the right side of the grid is hidden under the frame. 

this is happening because frame has "overflow:hidden" HARDCODED for some reason?!

i've been trying to change this style property to "overflow:visible" .. i've wasted an hour going through all properties of grid.DisplayLayout.FrameStyle but i am not seeing a way to change it. 

I know that i can hard code frame width, but i do not want to do that because displayed columns are configurable by user so there is no way to predict grid with. 

i could do some nasty hack like adding up all visible column widths and setting the Frame width to that.. but why should i need to do that? 

why does the grid come in a frame with overflow:hidden ? is there any way i could make it a normal grid so that it stretches around the inner grid? 


  • 2636

    I really don't have a answer for your regarding why it is doing that but I will give you a little bit of advise that has saved me countless hours of debugging...

    Anytime I come across a situtation with "anyones" controls due to CSS I override it instead of trying to figure out the "Why" of what they are doing.

    Download IE Developer Toolbar (if you do not already have it)

    Open your site up and go Tools->Toolbars->Explorer Bar->IE Developer Toolbar
    Click Find->Select Element by Click

    Click on the html area that is causing you to pull your hair out and and look at what class file it is using.

    Goto your css file and or the top of your page and add.
    overflow: auto !important;

    the !imporant will cause the css to read yours instead of the controls this works on any object that uses css. if they are not using a css file then find the id and use #idname instead.

    I know it doesn't help you with trying to understand what is going on with the overflow but in my experience I have found it is better just to say ok and override them.

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