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css classes no longer written to table cells after upgrading to infragistics v8.2


i've been using infragistics v6.2 for couple years and decided to upgrade to v8.2

One of the issues is that it looks like css styles defined in the aspx definition, are no longer making it to the table cells outputed by the grid. I am looking at it using IE Developer and not seeing the css classes set anywhere. The older version (6.2) actually added RowStyleDefault.CssClass (defined below) to the cell class attribute. This is no longer the case with new grid, and it breaks all our existing grids. 
Why would this change be made? What is the new property, or way, to set css class on a cell in the new grid ?  

Here is my grid definition:


<Jef:PortalUltraWebGrid ID="PositionsGrid" runat="server">

        <igtbl:UltraGridBand AllowSorting="yes">
    <DisplayLayout BorderCollapseDefault="separate" AllowSortingDefault="Yes" CellClickActionDefault="Edit" 
           AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="TradesGrid" RowSizingDefault="fixed"
           RowSelectorsDefault="no" ViewType="flat" SelectTypeRowDefault="None" SelectTypeColDefault="None" SelectTypeCellDefault="None" 
          TableLayout="Fixed" Version="4.00" RowHeightDefault="18" ScrollBar="Auto" ScrollBarView="vertical" AllowColSizingDefault="fixed" 

           AllowColumnMovingDefault="none" AllowDeleteDefault="no">

        <EditCellStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-EditCell" />

        <FixedCellStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-FixedCell" />

        <FixedFooterStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-FixedFooter" />

        <FixedHeaderStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-FixedHeader" />

        <FormulaErrorStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-FormulaError" />

        <FooterStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-FooterStyle"  ></FooterStyleDefault>

        <FrameStyle CssClass="Webgrid-FrameStyle"  BorderColor="#bbbbbb" BorderStyle="solid" BorderWidth="1" />

        <GroupByRowStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-GroupByRow" />

        <HeaderStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-Header-NoPad"><BorderDetails /></HeaderStyleDefault>

        <Pager />

        <RowStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-Row"></RowStyleDefault>

        <RowAlternateStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-RowAlternate"><BorderDetails StyleLeft="none" StyleTop="none" /></RowAlternateStyleDefault>

        <RowExpAreaStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-RowExpArea" />

        <RowSelectorStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-RowSelector" />

        <SelectedHeaderStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-SelectedHeader" />

        <SelectedRowStyleDefault CssClass="Webgrid-SelectedRow" />   

        <ImageUrls  ExpandImage="/images/plus_beveled.gif" CollapseImage="/images/minus_beveled.gif" />



  • 1220

    it looks like the css property is now applied only to the <tr> element. 

    I am aware that i could define my styles with TD indicator. but i am trying to avoid that because it is a horrible performance hit on browsers such as IE. because the way its css rendering engine appears to work is, it evaluates every single TD on the page and searches for style used in stylesheet. on a page with large tables this is a big hit in the amount of time a page is rendered. so i really need a way to add the style to the cells.