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UltrawebGrid TemplatedColumn checkbox for a new row!

 Hi All,

I'm working on UltrawebGrid, i stacked with TemplatedColumn in the ultrawebgrid for a new row...

when i'm adding new rows that time templatedColumn checkbox is not adding row by row.

Once i  update rows in the database that time TemplatedColumn checkbox are coming.


checkbox is static .. this is used for deleting rows........

the problem is new rows don't have checkbox so i'm not able to delete these newly added rows...


My question is how to get checkbox in each newly added/created row ....

my templatedcolum design below one.



<igtbl:TemplatedColumn Width="25px" AllowNull="False" AllowUpdate="Yes" CellButtonDisplay="Always" DataType="System.Boolean" NullText="false">

<HeaderTemplate><input id="ChkAll" onclick="BLOCKED SCRIPTSelect(this);" runat="server" type="checkbox" /></HeaderTemplate><HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" /> <CellTemplate>




<input type="checkbox" id="Cbx_id" name="Cbx_id" value='<%#DataBinder.EvalContainer.DataItem, "ID")%>' /></CellTemplate><CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></CellStyle></igtbl:TemplatedColumn>

please let me know, how to enable checkbox in each new row!

thanks in advance
