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RowStyleDefault and RowAlternateStyleDefault stop working when UseFixedHeaders is used

I am using the UltraWebGrid (NetAdvantage for .Net 2009.1) and I use the RowStyleDefault and RowAlternateStyleDefault to attach a CSS class. The alternating rows have the proper styling displayed until I set the UseFixedHeaders to true. Once this is done, the fixed columns retain the proper styling but all of the scrolling columns loose the styles and revert back to a white background with black text.

uwgTestGrid.DisplayLayout.RowStyleDefault.CssClass = "gridRowEven";

uwgTestGrid.DisplayLayout.RowAlternateStyleDefault.CssClass = "gridRowOdd";

uwgTestGrid.DisplayLayout.UseFixedHeaders = true;

Does anyone know why this is happening?



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