I'm having problem with ultrawebtree in Firefox. It works fine in IE7. But when I was testing in Firefox, I found 2 problems:
1. There is a outline around the webtree control. (It was solved by using: Style="outline:none;")
2. Cannot drag any node. I havent been able to solve it so far. Normal attributes with the trees are:
ID="UltraWebTree1" runat="server" AllowDrag="True" AllowDrop="True" Style="outline:none;"
All Autopostback flags are set to true.
My OS: windowsXP SP3. Plz help me on this...
Thanks for posting your solution here!
Ok I was able to work around ultraWebTree node drag drop in Firefox using Infragistics Drag and Drop Framwork. Here is my post:
Drag and Drop UltraWebTree nodes in Mozilla Firefox using Infragistics Drag and Drop Framework
Hope it helps...
Ok, we thought the built in drag drop functionality for ultrawebtree in Firefox will be available in Infragestics 9.1. Thanks for the info and we will look into Drag and Drop framework
The built-in drag-and-drop functionality of WebTree is still limited to Internet Explorer.
Are you using the Drag-and-Drop Framework? Can you provide more information about how you've implemented this?
We have installed Infragestics 9.1 along with hotfixes:
Still, its not possible to drag and drop tree nodes in firefox 3.0.10. Any other way to make it possible? I would really appretiate any help regarding this.