I'm looking for a way to "highllight" a map element the user clicks on but changing the stroke thickness and color doesn't really work because hovering and unhovering over an element seems to clear out the stroke thickness and color change.
Is there a way to shut off the default element hovering highlighting animation while still keeping a element sensitive to clicks?
What does IsSelectable do?
Fredy Daruwalla
Was there supposed to be a link in the reply?
I have a situation where I give each MapElement a SolidColorFill that is green. When the user clicks on the MapElement, I want to color it red. It works, but when the user's mousepointer leaves the MapElement, the color reverts back to the original green. It seems like the ElementUnhover is somehow undoing the change to the MapElement.Fill.
private void floorMap_ElementClick(object sender, Infragistics.Silverlight.Map.MapElementClickEventArgs e)
SolidColorBrush fillBrush = new SolidColorBrush();
fillBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);
e.Element.Fill = fillBrush;
if you look at this thread, you can see a workaround which should allow you to simulate map selection through highlighting.
for now, selection isn't a feature of the map, and on MapElements or Layers there is no behavior affected by the IsSelectable property.