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Grid With Bubble Tooltip

Hi All,

           I am using  Ultra Web grid. Single column. a web tab and asyn refresh panel contain the grid.

I'll Generate a Table for each Row for that single column,When Grid InitializeRow  event... I show a image

on that grid.... when mouse  move on the image, It shows  a Bubble tool tip using following code...

sDisplayLayout = "<style type='text/css'>{position:relative; z-index:0; color:#345FA4;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;font-size:11px;text-decoration:none;} span{ display: none;}{ z-index:100; color: #345FA4; } span.tooltip{display:block;position:absolute;top:0px; left:0;padding: 15px 0 0 0;color: #345FA4;text-align:justify;filter: alpha(opacity:90);KHTMLOpacity: 0.90;MozOpacity: 0.90;opacity: 0.90;}{display: block;padding: 30px 8px 0;background: url(images/bubble.gif) no-repeat top;} span.middle{ /* different middle bg for stretch */display: block;padding: 0 8px; background: url(images/bubble_filler.gif) repeat bottom;} span.bottom{display: block;padding:3px 8px 10px;color: #345FA4;background: url(images/bubble.gif) no-repeat bottom;}</style>"


Then call the classs

                    sDisplayLayout += "<a class='tt' href='#' border='0'><img src='images\select" + i.ToString + ".jpg' style='border-style:none'><span class='tooltip'><span class='top'></span><span class='middle'>" + sCms + "</span><span class='bottom'></span></span></a>"


Its working on IE Only..In Firefox part of  bubble tool shown another part hide...


Please Help me......