I want WebPanel always in expanded mode.
Nobody can able to collapse it.
Is it possibel to hide expand image (<<) ?
Please reply if any body face this ?
Shahaji Udar
wire up the client-side ExpandedStatechanging event and cancel it.
function WebPanel1_ExpandedStateChanging(oWebPanel, oEvent){ //Add code to handle your event here. oEvent.cancel = true;}
As far as the image is concerned you can replace this image with another - transparent image.
Here is a help link to the properties
off of the Header object - there is an ExpansionIndicator property
there is a CollapsedImageUlr and ExpandedImageUrl
code to change the image would be similiar to the following snippet:
WebPanel1.Header.ExpansionIndicator.CollapsedImageUrl = "colapse.gif"; WebPanel1.Header.ExpansionIndicator.ExpandedImageUrl = "transparent.gif"