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UltraWebGrid and WebHierarchicalDataSource problem using dynamically created object

I have an UltraWebGrid which uses the WebHierarchicalDataSource to create a parent/child relationship for 2 List<> objects.   I originally was using 2 ObjectDataSources to capture what I needed and bind to the dataviews from the WebHierarchicalDataSource.  This worked fine.  However, I want to filter the objects based on certain criteria(I don't want to use the filtering mechanism in the UltraWebGrid).   So I took the ObjectDataSource controls out and decided to bind the views dynamically to the List<> objects after I filtered the lists accordingly(based on my own search mechanism).  The original grid posts fine, but when I do a postback, I get the error:

"DataView has no DataSourceID or DataSource set."

It seems that the dataview is trying to bind again after the Page_Init event.  Since I repopulate the dataviews in the click event handler, the binding is happening too soon and erroring out.  Can I get some help with this?  Thanks.


Here is the asp code, I commented out the ObjectDataSource cause I'm not using it anymore:

<Infragistics:WebHierarchicalDataSource ID="InvoiceSummaryHierarchicalDS" runat="server" >





<Infragistics:DataView ID="parentView" />



<Infragistics:DataView ID="childView" />









<Infragistics:DataRelation ParentColumns="GroupId" ChildColumns="GroupId" ParentDataViewID="parentView" ChildDataViewID="childView" />






</Infragistics:WebHierarchicalDataSource >





















<!-- <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objOpenInvoiceSummaryGroups" SelectMethod="GetParentInvoiceSummaries" TypeName="Module.Invoices.InvoiceSummariesPresenter" runat="server" >






<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="status" DefaultValue="1" Direction="InputOutput" />









<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objOpenInvoiceSummaryLocations" SelectMethod="GetChildInvoiceSummaries" TypeName="Module.Invoices.InvoiceSummariesPresenter" runat="server" >






<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="status" DefaultValue="1" Direction="InputOutput" />







protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)





<Svc.InvoiceBillSummary> parentList = _presenter.GetParentInvoiceSummaries((int)Svc.InvoiceStatusTypeEnum.Closed);



List<Svc.InvoiceBillSummary> childList = _presenter.GetChildInvoiceSummaries((int)Svc.InvoiceStatusTypeEnum.Closed);

//filtering happens here

GetHierarchicalData(parentList, childList);


private void GetHierarchicalData(List<Svc.InvoiceBillSummary> parentList, List<Svc.InvoiceBillSummary> childList)



parentView.DataSource = parentList;

childView.DataSource = childList;
