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Menu issue after hot fix

Hi, I just upgraded to the latest hotfix (vol 3, 1043) to see if that would fix a strange issue I'm having with the web grid.  It didn't of course. 

But now the menu is misbehaving.  When I click on a link it directs to the target url, then adds some additional text right after the .aspx that shows the accessKey.

So it ends up trying to find a file like "sample.aspxaccessKey=%22F%22". 

Other than that, the upgrade seems to have worked fine, the site compiles and runs and the other infragistics controls are working correctly. 

That behavior is just in IE.  In Firefox, menu clicks don't do anything, and I get an error saying "this.__igmenu_navigateUrl is not a function".

Anyone have any ideas what I may have missed?

  • 19308

    That sounds like its a bug to me.  I'm guessing there's suppsed to be a # or ? after sample.aspx.  Are you crafting the targetUrl yourself, or simply setting it to "sample.aspx"? 

    Also, if you're using external JS resources ("/ig_common/scripts") you'll want to be sure that the script files were updated along with the hotfix.  Viewing the source of one of those files will show the 'version number' in the first fiew lines of the script file. 

    As a last resort you can try clearing your temporary internet files incase there's some crazy caching problem going on.

    But I would advise you not to drive yourself crazy - report the issue to our support staff ( and see if they

    a) know about the problem already

    b) have a fix for it
