I'm using UltraWebGrid on a web page. What I'm trying to do is, implement client-side paging. For this LoadOnDemand must be set to XML and InitializeDataSource event must be there. When I tried this in VB.NET it worked. But in C# I can't find InitializeDataSource event in property window. Writing this event in <igtbl:UltraWebGrid> tag in the ASPX file throws a compiler error.
Any thoughts? Quick response will be much appreciated.
What kind of error do you get? Could you elaborate you issue?
hello,I did all the changes to my code according to your suggestions in previous posts, but still I am getting errorI set InitializeDataSource event in property window,also added event in page .aspx fileUltraWebGrid_InitializeDataSource(object sender ,Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridEventArgs e ) Is there any other slution for this problemThanksShital
The pleasure is all mines
Darrel, Buzurg...
I feel kinda guilty. I read your responses rather soon after they were submitted and didn't thank you. Very busy around here in Marine Land...
Regardless, the openning of this event has made life significantly easier. I am able to remove gobs of code and the use of the control makes far more sense.
Once again, thanks
just want to add something that might help you even more
In C# you will have to manually add the event handler using the following line. Do it while your page is initilizing.
UltraWebGrid1.InitializeDataSource += new InitializeDataSourceEventHandler(UltraWebGrid1_InitializeDataSource);
And yes... you can access the data on click of a button when grid has been binded.