I have a WebGrid that is inside of a WARP panel because there are search and filter critera also on the page that will force a refresh of the WebGrid dataset. This works fine.
I have paging enabled on the webgrid with a custom presentation of the First, Prev, Current, Next, Last layout. Because of this paging function, we have the LoadOnDemand set to XML and LODType set to Accumulative to get the layout and the paging to work using the AJAX postbacks. This works fine as well.
The client has asked for a different progress indicator when an action is taken because they felt the default IG icon was too muted and wouldn't be seen by all the users. I have successfully updated the icon displayed by the WARP panel using the oPanel.getProgressIndicator().setImageUrl("image.gif") methodology and this works fine when the actions outside of the panel force a refresh of the WebGrid, the correct image is presented.
The problem is that when use the Pager functionality for the web grid, pressing any of the navigation links, the default IG progress indicator is shown by the WebGrid as it processes and moves to the next page. From what I can tell, there is not a similar setImageUrl for the WebGrid. I don't see it mentioned in the API reference.
I've changed the standard ig_progressindicator.gif and this has no affect. Any further places, things to try?
Well, I spoke to soon. Apparently there is the same getProgressIndicator functionality for the grid. I found the information in this post, and it works.