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Ultrawebgrid Date column sorting problem


I am facing a wierd problem. Please check the screen shot attached. I am unable to change the date format in the grid column. I am trying this (in InitializeLayout event):


"EndDate").Format = "MMM dd yyyy"

Added to that, when I am sorting the grid, the "End Date" field/column is not getting sorted properly. I couldn't figure out the reason. Can any one please take a look and help me? At least any ideas if anyone faced similar problem?

Here is the markup for the grid where I enabled the sorting. I am not doing any manual sorting procedures in code other than this:








































igtbl:UltraWebGrid id="gridFundToAssign" runat="server"



oninitializelayout="gridFundToAssign_InitializeLayout" Browser="Xml"



oninitializedatasource ="gridFundToAssign_InitializeDataSource">



<DisplayLayout Name ="gridFundToAssign"



CompactRendering="False" StationaryMargins="Header" AllowSortingDefault ="OnClient"



RowHeightDefault="20px" RowSizingDefault="Free" SelectTypeRowDefault="Single"



AllowColumnMovingDefault="OnServer" SelectTypeCellDefault ="Extended"



BorderCollapseDefault="Separate" AllowColSizingDefault ="Free"



CellClickActionDefault="RowSelect" AllowUpdateDefault="Yes"



HeaderClickActionDefault="SortMulti" Version ="4.00"



LoadOnDemand="Xml" XmlLoadOnDemandType ="Accumulative">



<HeaderStyleDefault BackColor="#606060" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Verdana"



Font-Size="10pt" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Left" 









<ClientSideEvents AfterCellUpdateHandler="gridFundToAssign_AfterCellUpdateHandler"



BeforeCellUpdateHandler="gridFundToAssign_BeforeCellUpdateHandler" />



<RowStyleDefault TextOverflow="Ellipsis" VerticalAlign="Middle" BorderWidth ="1px"



Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Verdana" BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle ="Solid"



HorizontalAlign="Left" ForeColor="Black" BackColor ="Window">



<Padding Left="3px"></Padding>






<RowSelectorStyleDefault Width="25px" BorderStyle="Double" BackColor ="Gainsboro">






<SelectedRowStyleDefault ForeColor="Black" BackColor ="LightSteelBlue">






<ActivationObject BorderColor="" BorderWidth="">






<GroupByBox Hidden="true"></GroupByBox>









<igtbl:UltraGridBand SortingAlgorithm














  • 510

    Just to be more specific, I am using the following Infragistics (Infragistics 2009 Vol1 [CLR 3.5]) verison:
