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igtblGetGridById not found! from page that uses a Master page

I am trying to write some very basic javascript that retrieves an ID from the selected row (active row) of a WebGrid.

My page has a master page (which may be cohntributing to my issues)...


here is the content in my page (at least the script)

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">

    <asp:ScriptManagerProxy ID="ScriptManagerProxy2" runat="server">


<script id="settingsClientScript" type="text/javascript">


    function OpenHDWindow() {

        var viewid = 0;

        alert("before getGrid called.");

        var grid = igtbl_getGridById('<%= WebDataGrid1.ClientID %>');

        if (grid != null) {

            alert("Grid found.");

            var row = grid.getActiveRow();

            var col = row.getCell(0);

            viewid = cell.getValue();


        else {

            alert("grid not found.");



        var url = 'DashboardHD.aspx?vid=';

        url += viewid;


        newwin =;

        if (window.focus) { newwin.focus() }

        return false;




Behavior: within Firebug, I get an exception that igtbl_getGridById is not defined.
Help! any clues?