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WebGrid Load on Demand without postback


    We're using Infragistics WebGrid in our application.We are binding the WebGrid with a dataset containing 2 tables (master and child table). We want on-demand loading on row expand (+). Currently we've set OnDemandLoading property to 'Automatic' but on expanding the row, a postback is fired. Please suggest how can we achieve the on-demand loading on expanding a row without making a full page postback. Please suggest a solution ASAP.

Thanks & Regards


  • 45049
    Suggested Answer


    There are two options to achieve this, both of which involve using AJAX functionality.

    The first is to use WebGrid's built-in AJAX functionality.  To do this, set the grid's Browser property to "Xml" and its DisplayLayout.LoadOnDemand property to "Xml".  If you're binding data programmatically (such as with a DataSet), you need to do this in the InitializeDataSource event of the grid.

    The other is to continue using "Automatic" load-on-demand, and to place the grid inside either a WebAsyncRefreshPanel (WARP) or UpdatePanel.  Either of these controls will change postbacks generated by their child controls into AJAX callbacks.

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