I'm using the XamlTimeline and putting a group of DateTimeSeries objects on it. Each has a series of DateTimeEvent in turn associated with them.
I've associated a custom Fill color with each of my series. Some of the data points that are on the series have my styling, some do not. I've seen this even in the default styling.
Playing with properties, the ones that aren't getting populated are being populated by the HollowFill color. I can't find any good documentation on this. When is it used? More to the point: How can I STOP it being used?
So I tried this and it does work. Where this solution falls down is that I have (up to) 25 date time series on the timeline and I'd rather not manage 25 timelines.
I have gotten it setup to assign the fill to each of these series appropriately. I had intended to cross bind HollowFill to Fill, however, HollowFill is not a dependency property, and hence that's not an option.
I could support the 25 different styles if I REALLY need to, but I'd rather not. Is there another way?
The HollowFill is used when there is no space to show the event title for specific entry. But if you don’t want to use it, you can change the EventPointStyle. Try using:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<Style x:Name="EventPointStyle" TargetType="igTimeline:EventPoint">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="10" />
<Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Black"/>
<Setter Property="Fill" Value="Green"/>
<Setter Property="HollowFill" Value="Green"/>
<igTimeline:XamWebTimeline EventPointStyle="{StaticResource EventPointStyle}">