I have three UltraWebTabs and for each tab the content is loaded through targeturl like
CurrentTabL.ContentPane.TargetUrl = "MyGrid.aspx" //MyGrid.aspx > Have one Ultarwebgrid binded to data.
and during server side tab click event, i need to access the content of previous tab's ultrawebgrid object.
You will need to store information in Session state (or possibly the Cache or Application state, if appropriate) in this setup.
When using TargetUrl to point a tab in WebTab to a page, it is rendered as an IFRAME on the page. An IFRAME is treated by ASP.NET as an entirely separate page on the server, so one IFRAME can't directly refer to another in server-side code. Because of this, you need to use state management approaches such as Session state to access information from one WebTab tab to the other (or to the main webpage).
Alternately, you can use the ContentTemplate or the ContentPane.UserControlUrl property, instead of ContentPane.TargetUrl. When these are used, the content of the tabs are rendered as DIV objects instead of IFRAME objects, making the contents available between tabs.
Can it be possible to use session state if I want to go from my regular page without webtab and arrive to the webtab page to bring up the page that i want which i want to carry over the information from the regular page to the page in the webtab page??
For instance, I am coming from WorkOrderInBox.aspx which have sessionstate of workordernumber and want it to carry over to workorder.aspx which is in the webtab tabpage.aspx . How do i work around this issue?
Information stored in session state is available to any page accessed from the same session. What you've described should work.