I have a requirement where I need to change the data bound to the lIne chart of XamWebChart.
I have the tag as below.
i created three series dynamically and added to this XamWebchart.
Series1 = new Series();Series2= new Series();Series3 = new Series();
Added DatapointsCollection to each series.
I want to show Multi series on the same Xamwebchart. I have a date control, when I select a different month in the date control, the data to the Xam web chart should change. the problem I am getting is, when I bind the second time the legends are appearing duplicated, how can I clear this. Is the solution each time I create a new instance of the XamWebChart in the code behind and show with out having a XamWebChart tag in the designer. Or else have the tag in the designer and in the code behind create another new instance of the XamWebchart in the code behind with the same primaryY, PrimaryX axis and legends and then assign this instance to the XamWebchart tag.
i saw your post http://community.infragistics.com/forums/p/18376/66768.aspx#66768 but in that "xAxis.AxisType = AxisType.PrimaryX;" line is not compiling. Please suggest. Thanks for your help.
Thanks and regards,
Hi! Max,
Thanks for the reply. chart.Series.Clear() is working.
If you intend to show 3 new series each time, make sure you're clearing the chart.Series collection. Try calling chart.Series.Clear() before you create new series. As for AxisType not being recognized, try adding:using Infragistics.Silverlight.Chart; to your page. If that doesn't help, please provide the error message.