I'm using webTab in my web application and I have a problem.
I want the tab to get 100% of the page height, but whatever I'm doing - it doesn't work.
Only if I give it specific height (in px) then the size is ok, but that's not a solution for me, since I want it to be 100% of the page height.
Please advice
Hi Maya,
Under XHTML the exact % height for UltraWebTab is supported only partially. Because tab uses table with 2 trs and height of td in lower tr is set to 100%. It means that overall height of table/UltraWebTab will be equal to height of container plus height of tab-labels (upper tr). The best you can do, is to use ~ value for height instead of 100%, for example 80-85%.
Note: under xhtml doctype height of browser may depend on max height of content, because <html>, <body> and <form> objects are collapsed. So, if UltraWebTab is located directly in body (or div wrapper), then to stretch content, you should set style="height:100%" for all containers of tab, which are probably html, body and form. Below is example for body:
<body style="height:100%">