Could anyone help me out how to show the progression of pages from start to end? For example it shows first page in the application default ie first step. Once it is filled it up on click of next it shows next page ie step2. The progression of steps should show in all pages which is specified below as a sample so that the user can know the completion of task.
Step1 -> Step 2 -> Step3 -> Last Step
If you are looking for a control that can work like a wizard on page, then we do not have a control that can exactly do this for you, but you can use a combination of controls to create a similar UI and UX.
You can use the WebMenu, to display the progress, and enable/disable items depending on the step the user is on, and set appropriate styles to the menu items. Or, you can even use our WebTab control, where you can use the headers to represent the progression of the wizard and dis-allow them to click on the tab header (by disabling tab) to move onto the next tab, place a button on the content pane of each tab page so they should click on to go onto the next tab for entering additional information.
Hope this helps.