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Export to PDF / Excel

I am using the new export feature that is part of 7.3 that let's you export the content of the grid to PDF / Excel. When I use it on my development machine both PDF and Excel exports work fine, but when I deploy it to my production servers running IIS 6.0 the export feature does not work.

On further investigation I found that if I access my website without HTTPS PDF export works fine i.e. PDF only works with non secure websites. Excel does not work with either. I do get a Open / Save / Cancel dialog but choosing either option does not show the excel file.

I ran Fiddler tool to see what comes back from the server and found that no data is returned by the server for the Excel file, where as for PDF it does return data. I cannot run this test with HTTPS as fiddler does not show the communication between the browser and server.

Thank you,

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  • 25

    We are experiencing a similar issue. 

    Development environment [non-HTTPS] is working fine for Excel and PDF exports with our web grid.

    Testing and production servers using HTTPS are working fine for Excel exports, but not PDF exports.

    For PDFs we aren't getting the download/open/save dialog box, just an error message for

    "Internet Explorer can not download 'ourfilename.aspx' from our 'ourwebsitename'.

    "Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site.  The available site is either unavailable or cannot be found.  Please try again later."

    Were you able to get any resolution to your post for this?

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