I would like to use this control to implement to function my application as explained below.
I want to display the text as "AAAA-BBBBB-CC" means 4 characters + Delimiter '-' + 5 characters + '-' + 3 characters using the Mask property. The format in which we want to display the text is configurable. I have a scenario to validate individual parts lets say 'FEE" is entered in the first part and i want to validate 'FEE' and highlight the part in RED which is invalid.
Basically, i want to identify individual parts (AAAA, BBBBB, CC) and validate once we tab out of the individual part. Is there any way i can achieve this functionality using the 'XamWebMaskedEditor'?
Thanks in advance,
The current version of the XamWebMaskedEditor doesn't have such functionality. It has two input validation modes - Always and LostFocus. The first one validates your input while you are typing, the second one validates your input, when the control lost its focus.
One possible workaround for your specific case is using two or more MaskedEditors. The first will have mask - "AAA" and the second - "###" and the customer will have to press the Tab to move between them.
Doychin Dochev
I am rephrasing my question by taking a simple scenario...
Suppose, i have set the Mask property to "AAA - ###" and i need to validate indivual parts and highlight in red only the part which is invalid.