I want to populate Value List from Javascript. I had already put the post regarding the similar issue. and I got reply from Infragistics also. They gave me the following list. http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=2906It solved my problem a little.
Now I have one more problem. I want to populate the number of items in the Value List from Client / JS based on some condition. I am able to get the values from Server using AJAX call but it is not getting displayed in the Value List.
Server Code:Class create_support_roster: [AjaxPro.AjaxMethod()] public string[][] jagged() { string[][] obj = new string[2][]; obj[0] = new string[63]; obj[1] = new string[2]; DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); Swap m_swapClass = new Swap(); m_swapClass.FillShift(ds1); obj[0][0] = "OFF"; obj[0][1] = "HL"; for (int i = 0; i < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { obj[0][i + 2] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shift"].ToString(); } obj[1][0] = "PL"; obj[1][1] = "OFF"; return obj; }
Note: 1. I am getting 60 rows from DB 2. obj has all the values from ds1
Client Code/ JS:
function grdRegularRoster_BeforeEnterEditModeHandler(gridName, cellId){ var col = igtbl_getColumnById(cellId); var cell = igtbl_getCellById(cellId); var vlist = new Array(2); var v = create_support_roster.jagged().value; if (cell.getValue() == "PL") { vlist[0] = v[0]; vlist[1] = v[1]; col.ValueList = vlist; }}Note: vlist variable contains all the values sent from server i.e. 60 items (it properly shows length = 60) Even the data it sent is also correct. I checked it thru alert().
But the when executed <col.ValueList = vlist;> I am getting "undefined" 60 times i.e. 60 Value List items as "undefined". I tried all the combition viz. 1. col.ValueList = vlist[0];2. col.ValueList = vlist[1];3. col.ValueList = vlist[0][0];4. col.ValueList = vlist[0][1];5. col.ValueList = vlist[1][0];6. col.ValueList = vlist[1][1];7. col.ValueList = v;and many more......
Not getting expected result...please help!Thanks & Regards,Anuj D.Vaijapurkar.