I want to set focus to an html control that is outside of the grid, when the user clicks on a cell. I've implemented the cellclickhandler, and it is being called and is doing everything else it is supposed to do, but it won't set the focus on the textbox. It seems that because I clicked on the cell, that has the focus, and it won't let me set it elsewhere. Is there a way to do this?
I tried this earlier. All it did was make it so that none of the mouseclicks worked, which is not what I want.
You can also attach this:
grid_MouseDownHandler(gridName, id, button)
to the client-side mousedown event. There is another post in this forum where it also worked for putting the focus on a child window launched from a grid. I had that problem on two different screens and this approach worked.
I got this working by implementing the MouseUpHandler client-side event, and having it return true.
In my experience, Infragistics aren't very good about giving up focus. There is always some quirk. Try searching the client-side help for an Infragistics-written javascript function that puts focus on a particular control. If there is one, that will be your best bet. If not, try delaying your javascript for a few milliseconds. Delaying it seems sloppy, but it might work.