grid.DisplayLayout.RowStyleDefault.TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis
grid.DisplayLayout.ReadOnly = ReadOnly.LevelZero
cells that overflow do not show the "hover over" alt/title text when putting my mouse over the cell.
If i change this to ReadOnly.NotSet it works like a champ.... Is this a bug / have a workaround?
I am running IE7 w/ NetAdvantage 2009 Version=9.1.20091.1015
FYI... My support case was fixed with the following:
Issue "26029: No tooltip appears when RowstyleDefault.TextOverflow is set to "Ellipsis"" has been addressed in service release versions 9.2.20092.2095 CLR 2.0, 9.2.20092.2095 CLR 3.5, 10.1.20101.2016 CLR 2.0, 10.1.20101.2016 CLR 3.5.
If ReadOnly = ReadOnly.LevelZero, then the hover over does not show... If i select and drag over the text i can make the ellipsis go away and see the rest of the text hidden in the cell so i think this verifies that it is CSS which is performing the hiding w/ ellipsis... but it seems the "title='xxx'" attribute is not rendered with the read only grid via server side code. I understand that ReadOnly is very limited in the amount of javascript which is run so if the title attribute is set using the CSOM is that missing in the "RO" version of the grid CSOM? I have noticed that igtblro_initGrid is called on every read only grid.