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MS AutoCompleteBox in EditorTemplate


I use a regular ComboBox in an EditorTemplate without any problems. If I select something from the list, my dataobject is updated. Adding a new row also happens without problems.

I have a scenario where my EditorTemplate contains a MS AutoCompleteBox where the user searchs for a name in Active Directory. This works fine. The names are displayed in the AutoCompleteBox and I can select one from the list.


When editing existing records, If I select a new name from the autocompletebox the new text from the selections is displayed. However, when I leave the Cell, the data is not updated.

If I add a new row when using a AutoCompleteBox as part of it, nothing happens. See attached four screenshots to illustrate the problem.

This is my XAML Code:

<igGrid:TemplateColumn x:Name="colExecutor" HeaderText="Executor" IsFixed="Left" Key="executorFullName" >
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding executorFullName}" />
                 <input:AutoCompleteBox Populating="txtbExecutor_Populating" MinimumPopulateDelay="200" x:Name="txtbExecutor" Margin="6,2,0,2"
         ItemTemplate="{StaticResource showCN}" ValueMemberPath="cn" IsTextCompletionEnabled="False" />

Any help would be appreciated,