I am adding xamWebGrid.ItemsSource = LoadOperation.Entities;
When the entity collection is formed of entities which have only one [Key] attribute (in metadata) at one property, the grid is presenting several blank rows;
But when I return entity collection with entities that have [Key] attributes on all properties, everything is OK;
I believe that the first case should also present the data correctly;
The XamWebGrid would show all public, gettable properties off the object, does the object definition have the public accessor on the properties which aren't marked key?
The Key-marked, and the other properties are all marked public;
I tried to mark all of them with the [Key] attribute, the situation is OK (no blanks)
Is this how it's supposed to be?
I am not sure of the approach you are following, do you have sample of what you are doing? I can't think of any reason why the properties would not be shown.